Peter Manyara is the Regional Program Manager of Coastal and Ocean Resilience, at IUCN’s Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office in Pretoria. Until recently, he led IUCN’s regional effort to address marine plastic pollution in the Western Indian Ocean. His work focuses on strengthening the interface between science, policy and practice, and aims to accelerate and upscale ocean conservation actions to enhance socio-ecological resilience in the Western Indian Ocean region. One of his priorities in coming years is to scale momentum around the Great Blue Wall—an action-driven regional response to the three interconnected crises of biodiversity, climate and the economy, launched at the UNFCCC COP26 in Glasgow. Peter has previously worked at UNESCO’s International Hydrological Programmes, and later its International Geoscience Programme, and also with UNEP’s Regional Seas Programme. He holds a Master of Public Administration in Environmental Science and Policy from Columbia University, USA, postgraduate certification in Water and Environmental Management, UK, BSc in Applied Aquatic Science, Kenya, and a number of professional qualifications.
Peter Manyara
Regional Program Manager of Coastal and Ocean Resilience, IUCN Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office.