Bruno Monteferri

Environmental lawyer, filmmaker and founder of initiative to support citizen engagement in conservation.
Bruno Monteferri is from Peru. He is an Ashoka Fellow, an environmental lawyer and an MPhil in Conservation Leadership from the University of Cambridge. He has worked for amost two decades in the Peruvian Society for Environmental Law (known as the SPDA) supporting the design and implementation of public polices for nature conservation. In 2012, he founded Conservamos por Naturaleza, an initiative that promotes citizen engagement in strategic conservation actions. Conservamos por Naturaleza campaigns include a national beach clean-up, which led to lobbying from over 8,000 people and a successful ban on single-use plastics in Peru. Another campaign is Hazla por tu Ola, which has legally protected 33 surf breaks in Peru with support from over 1000 people and 30 companies. The story of this initiative is told in Bruno’s short film ‘A la Mar’. Since 2017, Bruno has also been Director of Marine Governance at the Peruvian Society for Environmental Law (SPDA). In this role he works to promote reforms of national-level policies and sustainable fisheries practices at the grassroots level. In 2022 he was also appointed Technical Director of the Por la Pesca project, based on the partnership of ten organizations seeking to reduce IUU in Peru and Ecuador.

Hazla por tu Ola website.

Watch the film ‘A la mar’ here.


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